As a general rule, you don’t want to tackle a siding project in extreme weather conditions, which means spring and fall are best over summer and winter. Vinyl siding in particular is especially sensitive to extreme temperature variations, so replacing your siding in the cold of winter or the dog days of summer could compromise the quality of your installation.

So, if you are able to, wait till spring or fall to book your siding installation job. You may even be able to save a bit of money on your quote too.

Hot Weather is Not Ideal for Siding Installation

Because vinyl is a plastic product, it can soften when exposed to very high temperatures. Even though it may not actually melt, vinyl siding will stretch and expand, accounting for a difference of up to five-eighths of an inch in length than in winter. This size difference is at the heart of the matter. When your siding expands, it could hit the window casings which may buckle and detach.

…Neither is Cold Weather

You also don’t want to install siding when the temperature plunges under 50 degrees. Cold weather installations will pose the same problem but in reverse. The panels will contract, making it likely that they will be nailed on too tightly. Vinyl siding can also get pretty brittle in the cold, which means they could break on installation, leading to wasted materials.

Spring and Fall are Better

Spring is a better time for siding installation, but it can have its own issues too. The rain storms that plague this area in the spring can cause delays because your contractor may have to forgo work for a day or two. This water exposes the sheathing and walls, and can grow mold. This is an extreme situation, though. Spring on the whole is a great time to replace siding due to the temperate weather.

The fall is also a great time. That’s because lots of times, siding materials go on sale during autumn. This is when contractors’ new winter inventory comes in. There’s nothing wrong with last year’s siding, so you might as well take advantage of the discount. Siding contractors’ schedules also open up in the fall, which means you can likely fit into their schedule quite easily without having to wait in line.

And, during slow periods, contractors tend to lower their prices too so they can attract more business. By adding siding in the fall, you’re preparing your home for winter and reducing the chance of heat loss.

In fact, siding isn’t just a home improvement – it’s a winterizing project that adds value to your property. Combined with the right insulation, you can save money on your energy bills.

There’s never been a better time to replace your siding! Book your project this spring.

Contact Hi-Tech Window and Siding

To schedule a free consultation and estimate on installing siding on your home this year, contact us at Hi-Tech.