Deep Energy Retrofit

Cut Your Energy Usage with Hi-Tech’s Deep Energy Retrofit

It is no secret that energy costs have risen dramatically and show no sign of falling. That means heating and cooling your home is going to cost more – a lot more! The best way to fight energy cost inflation is to make your home more energy efficient. Hi-Tech Windows & Siding can help with our specially engineered Hi-Tech Deep Energy Retrofit.

This comprehensive program includes an assessment of your home to identify problematic energy “leaks,” followed by remedial action. These steps may include installing thermally-efficient windows, extra-insulated siding, and directed roof ventilation that helps reduce energy loss and save money all year long. We’ll put together a customized plan for your home designed to stop “energy theft” that results in higher energy bills and a more comfortable environment inside your home.

Where Energy Dollars are Wasted

The money you spend on home heating oil, natural gas, propane or electricity goes into regulating the indoor temperature of your home. In colder months you heat the air, in warmer months you chill it with air conditioning. But no home is perfectly sealed and some of that air seeps out – along with the money it cost to heat or cool. Our Deep Energy Retrofit is designed to find those places where energy is escaping and reduce the flow.

One of the biggest culprits is your windows. According to a study at the University of Massachusetts, most windows are 10 times less energy efficient than walls. As a result, an average home may lose 30% of its heat or air conditioning energy through its windows. This can be greatly reduced with the installation of more energy-efficient windows.

Speaking of walls, your home’s exterior can be another big source of energy loss. Wood cladding, cedar shingles or vinyl siding are not good insulators and provide very little protection against the intrusion of cold and moisture. Modern siding techniques include more effective insulation to help block both incoming cold and outgoing energy seepage.

Warm air rises, and significant energy loss occurs through poorly insulated and ventilated attic space. Trapped air under the roof deck can lead to the infiltration of cold and dampness, and the growth of mold and mildew. Proper attic ventilation reduces this problem and promotes a healthier flow of air.

What We Can Do for You

Our Deep Energy Retrofit starts with an analysis of your home’s “exterior envelope” to see where energy loss may be occurring. We’ll look at windows and doors, exterior siding, attic and roof – anywhere that conditioned air may be escaping. Then we’ll create a plan to reduce energy leakage (along with your heating and cooling costs) by upgrading, replacing or repairing the major energy theft culprits. We can make all the changes at once or roll out a gradual conversion over several months.

The result will be a home that is tighter, more attractive, and uses less energy to maintain a comfortable and heathy indoor environment.

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Get a FREE Estimate on a Deep Energy Retrofit Before Winter Arrives

Keep your home energy budget under control with simple changes that will make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. A small investment now can save big dollars for years to come. Call us toll free today at (978) 523-2377 to learn more about how our Hi-Tech Deep Energy Retrofit can save you money now and for years to come.

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